
The goal of the progress reports is for you to have space to reflect and plan. The goal for the course project is for you to be working on it consistently instead of leaving everything to the end of the term. The progress reports are a mechanism for making that more likely.


Each progress report should be about a page of text and include the sections:

  • What you have completed in the past week
  • Any problems you ran into in the past week
  • What you plan to complete in the coming week
  • What you could work on if the previously mentioned goes quicker than expected

If you completed an interesting piece of code or were able to graph some new data, you are encouraged to include screenshots or images of things though they’ll then make your progress report longer than a page (whcih is fine!).

Specific Reports

Here are the caveats and expectations for each report.

Progress Report 1

You will have less to report as having completed for this one since you’ll have only just submitted your proposal, but you should be getting started with the code for your project at this point.

Progress Report 2

You should have completed a basic simulation by this point. It might not have all the features that you want, but it should be functional and able to produce some data (the requirements for Part 1 of Project). You should be starting to run experiments with your basic simulation and maybe even getting some initial graphs.

Progress Report 3

You should have all the key features of your simulation implemented at this point. You are probably going to be running experiments while continuing to improve functionality.

Progress Report 4

You should be starting on your paper and gathering the data necessary for it while polishing your code or doing some of your ‘reach’ goals at this point.


The progress reports are graded on effort. You need to address each required section and submit them on time for full credit.