Getting Started
Get your laptop setup for the course and start refreshing on Python.
Laptop Setup
Jeff Ondich has a nice walk through for setting up your computer for this course, so work through Section 2. Set up a Unix command-line interface on your work computer.
I recommend you also install VSCode since it’s what I’ll be using to demonstrate things and it has a whole lot of really useful extensions, such as Remote Development and Live Share.
If you’re using WSL (i.e. on Windows), you will want ot check out the VSCode guide to working with WSL.
Also work through Section 3 but don’t make a repository yet and send your GitHub username to this survey instead.
Python Refreshing
Work through exercises 1 and 3 of this lab. If you’re really rusty or need a reference, check out W3 Schools’ tutorial.
Unix Tutorial
If you’ve gotten this far, feel free to start on the Unix Tutorial which is the prep for Friday.