• Practice bit operations (~, |, &, ^, <<, >>) in C
  • Dig into the details of the UTF-8 character encoding


This is an individual assignment, so you should write all the code individually, though you can get help, as detailed in the collaboration document.

This assignment is due Wednesday April 17th at 10pm. As with all assignments, you will have the opportunity to revise this submission based on feedback.


To demonstrate proficiency, your submission needs to:

  • Pass all the autograded tests on Gradescope
  • Follow requirements for each function (especially using only bitwise operations where specified)
  • Be somewhat well-styled

To demonstrate mastery, your submission needs to:

  • Demonstrate proficiency
  • Be quite well-styled, particularly well-chosen variable names, avoiding magic numbers, and helper methods/loops to reduce code duplication
  • Have thorough error-handling


  • Implement the five functions documented in the bits.h file in bits-package.tar.
  • Put your implementations in bits.c (a starter version of which is provided in the package).
  • Do not change bits.h.
  • Submit your file as bits.c via Gradescope.


  • Start with to_lower, to_upper, and middle_bits
  • Write out examples on paper or use CTutor with ‘byte-level view of data’ selected (dropdown that starts with “none default view” showing)
  • Use Jeff’s UTF-8 encoder to check different values
  • For the UTF-8 converting functions, start with getting just single byte codepoints to work, then two byte, etc. Worry about cutting down on duplicated code AFTER things are working