
As you now know, this class uses the Java programming language. Today is focused on getting you started with translating what you already know about programming into Java! (If you are coming from AP and already know Java, the reading also shows Python, so you should approach it as a reverse lesson since you’ll need to know Python for other CS courses.)

The reading throws a lot at you, so aim to read through it quickly for this class and use it as an additional reference as you need.

Basic Learning Objectives

Before class, you should be able to:

  • Compile and run a Java program
  • Identify the required pieces of a Java program
  • Use Java syntax such as variables, input, loops, Strings, lists, conditionals, and loops
  • Define ArrayList, array, Scanner

Advanced Learning Objectives

After class, you should be able to:

  • Get user input
  • Work with ArrayList
  • Work with files


You should read the reading assignment through Moodle, which covers the following sections of Brad Miller’s Welcome to Java for Python Programmers:

  • 1.1-1.7 (things you can skim: Array, switch, Boolean Operators)


You should complete the reading checks embedded in the reading assignment on Moodle.