
Inheritance is powerful, but often you want to require that a class implement specific methods without providing any of the code yourself. Today we’re going to learn about a few more Java-specific things, including interfaces and get more practice with ArrayList.

Basic Learning Objectives

Before class, you should be able to:

  • Write a subclass using inheritance
  • Identify the keyword for implementing an interface
  • Explain the difference between using an interface and inheritance
  • Give an example of when static would be used

Advanced Learning Objectives

After class, you should be able to:

  • Implement an interface
  • Explain the pros and cons of an interface versus inheritance
  • Use an ArrayList
  • Explain the concept of static


You should read the reading assignment through Moodle:

  • Java for Python Programmers 1.8


You should complete the reading checks embedded in the reading assignment on Moodle.