
To better understand 2-3 Trees by implementing the insert method.


This is a lab assignment that you’ll be handing in on Moodle. You should complete it on Friday Feb 19th, but it isn’t due until Monday Feb 22nd at 5:00pm Central.

Open the 2-3 Tree project on Repl.it.

You’re welcome to work on this lab with input from one or more members of your collaborative learning group. You should write all of your own code, but you’re welcome to share your screen with members of your collaborative learning group to look at one another’s code, make suggestions, and compare ideas. Take a look at the Collaboration Policies document on Moodle if you have any questions about what’s permitted.

Exercise 0

Using the Add File button on repl.it, add a Collaborations.txt file and describe any interactions you have with your collaborative learning group on this lab. Also note any outside sources such as websites that you referenced. If you do not collaborate or check any outside websites, you should state that in Collaborations.txt.

Exercise 1

You will ultimately implement all of the insert methods. Note that there are ‘add’ methods already implemented for you that handle the process of splitting nodes and promoting values for you.

a. You’ll start by implementing part of insertHelp. The first case you should consider is inserting a key into an empty tree. Check if the root is null and if so, set it to be a new Node that has the key as the left value (using the provided Node constructor) and return it.

b. Compile and run your code to verify that the number 15 is inserted as the left value of the root of the tree:



c. The second case you should consider is if the root doesn’t have any children (you can use the isLeaf() method for checking this). In this case, you should call the add() method on the root and pass it a new Node with the key as the left value. The add() method will take care of either adding the key to open space in the root or creating a child. You should read the documentation for the add() method to understand how to use it.

d. Go down to the main method and uncomment the next insert line and verify that your code compiles and runs correctly:



Exercise 2

Next you will need to handle the cases where the root has children and so you need to recursively call insert on the appropriate one.

a. Start with the case of inserting to the left. You should compare the key to left value of the root and if the key is less than the left value of the root, you should call the insertLeft method.

b. In the insertLeft method, you should first call insertHelp on the root’s left child and the key. You should save what is returned from this call because it will be the new left child of the root.

c. You should then check if the thing returned is the same object as the root’s current left child (using ==). If it is, that means that the left child didn’t need to split to insert the key and you can just return the root and be done.

d. If the objects are not the same, the left child had to split and the node returned contains the promoted value that will need to be added to the root. Call the add method on the root and pass the new left child. You can’t just set the child yourself because the values of the split left child may need to be shuffled around, which add takes care of for you.

e. Look at the possible values that you could add in the main method and choose a line(s) to uncomment that will use your insertLeft method and verify that your code compiles and runs correctly.

 |0-null|  |15-null| 


Exerise 3

Next you’ll implement the insertCenter method.

a. There are two cases when you should call insertCenter: if the root doesn’t have a right value or if the key is greater than the left value but less than the right value. Add these checks and call insertCenter in your insertHelp method.

b. insertCenter will be implemented the same way that insertLeft was implemented: Call insertHelp and pass the center child of the root, save what is returned, check if the center child had to split, and if so, use add to place the promoted center value into the correct spot.

c. Decide on another line(s) to uncomment in main to test your insertCenter method and verify that your code compiles and runs correctly, for example:

 |1-null|  |15-null| 


Exercise 4

a. Finally, if the key doesn’t go anywhere else, it goes in the right side of the tree. Implement insertRight and call it in insertHelp.

b. Uncomment the last lines or add additional lines to test your insertRight method and verify that your code compiles and runs correctly.


This activity is not a homework assignment. That means that you’re evaluated on whether you attempted all parts of it, but your work will not be graded for correctness as long as a clear effort has been made. If you aren’t able to complete some parts, great ways to indicate clear effort are to reach out for help before the deadline (note ways you did so in your Collaborations.txt file) and to use comments in the document to indicate things you tried but what went wrong/where you got stuck.

Submit your zip file to Moodle as always.