
As stated on the syllabus, you have the chance to revise homework assignments as many times as you want during the term. (sort of) However, to keep things organized and manageable, there is a process that you need to go through that is detailed here. All revisions are to be completed individually, even if it was a paired assignment.

First Revision

The first revision on each homework assignment is due a week after the initial submission assessment is released and will generally be assessed fairly soon after the due date.

Subsequent Revisions

If you wish to revise after you get the feedback from the first revision, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Read the feedback and correct your homework
  2. Submit your corrected homework to the same Gradescope assignment (will reopen after the feedback is released)
  3. Submit a request on this form
  4. Wait for the revision to be assessed, which might take until the end of term, or might happen more quickly than that (but you should assume it will be the end of term!)
  5. Repeat from step 1 if you want

You must submit a request through the form; your submission will not automatically be reassessed for style!

If you have questions about this process, please ask Anya right away!