Learning Objectives

The learning objectives that you can demonstrate your proficiency/mastery on for quiz 8 are (new ones in bold):

  1. Defining variables with appropriate type in Java a. Proficiency - basic types, M - Collections with generics
  2. Writing loops (definite and indefinite) in Java a. Proficiency - basic loops, M - Nested loops
  3. Writing conditional statements in Java a. Proficiency - two part, M - three part (including else if or nested)
  4. Defining methods in Java a. Proficiency - method without parameters/return value, M - parameters and return value
  5. Instantiating and using objects in Java a. Proficiency - using without parameters/return value, M - using method with parameters and return value
  6. Using interfaces a. Proficiency - implement a specified interface, M - define your own interface
  7. Using inheritance a. Proficiency - simple subclass, M - use call to super to build on super’s method
  8. Using linked lists
  9. Explaining time complexity of linked list operations a. Proficiency - define Big-O of specified operation, M - demonstrate how you get that Big-O
  10. Using stacks
  11. Explaining time complexity of stack operations a. Proficiency - define Big-O of specified operation, M - demonstrate how you get that Big-O
  12. Using queues
  13. Explaining time complexity of queue operations a. Proficiency - define Big-O of specified operation, M - demonstrate how you get that Big-O
  14. Explaining quicksort
  15. Explaining time complexity of quicksort a. Proficiency - define Big-O of best and worst case, M - explain how you get those Big-O
  16. Using recursion a. Proficiency - defining the “three laws of recursion”, M - writing a recursive function
  17. Using balanced search trees a. Proficiency - demonstrate adding in basic case to 2-3 tree, M - demonstrate adding that requires splitting and promotion
  18. Using heaps
  19. Explaining time complexity of heapsort a. Proficiency - define Big-O in worst case, M - demonstrate how you get that Big-O
  20. Demonstrating breadth-first search a. Proficiency - indicate first level of BFS, M - demonstrate full BFS
  21. Explaining time complexity of breadth-first search a. Proficiency - define Big-O in worst case in terms of just V, M - demonstrate how you get that Big-O
  22. Demonstrating depth-first search a. Proficiency - indicate first sequence of DFS, M - demonstrate full DFS
  23. Demonstrating hash tables
  24. Explaining time complexity of hashing a. Proficiency - define Big-O in worst case, M - explain how you get that Big-O

You may print out and bring with you a copy of this checklist to help you keep track of the learning objectives that you are still working on during the quiz.


Good ways to study for the quizzes are:

  • Go back and re-solve the problems from previous quizzes
  • Finish any labs that you hadn’t finished or redo ones that you did finish
  • Go back over the readings/videos relevant to the learning objectives
  • Try any of the exercises at the ends of relevant chapters that are about the learning objectives
  • Attend the prefect sessions