Learning Objectives

The subset of learning objectives that you can demonstrate your proficiency/mastery on for quiz 6 are (new ones in bold):

  1. Defining variables with appropriate type in Java a. Proficiency - basic types, M - Collections with generics
  2. Writing loops (definite and indefinite) in Java a. Proficiency - basic loops, M - Nested loops
  3. Writing conditional statements in Java a. Proficiency - two part, M - three part (including else if or nested)
  4. Defining methods in Java a. Proficiency - method without parameters/return value, M - parameters and return value
  5. Instantiating and using objects in Java a. Proficiency - using without parameters/return value, M - using method with parameters and return value
  6. Using interfaces a. Proficiency - implement a specified interface, M - define your own interface
  7. Using inheritance a. Proficiency - simple subclass, M - use call to super to build on super’s method
  8. Using linked lists
  9. Explaining time complexity of linked list operations a. Proficiency - define Big-O of specified operation, M - demonstrate how you get that Big-O
  10. Using stacks
  11. Explaining time complexity of stack operations a. Proficiency - define Big-O of specified operation, M - demonstrate how you get that Big-O
  12. Using queues
  13. Explaining time complexity of queue operations a. Proficiency - define Big-O of specified operation, M - demonstrate how you get that Big-O
  14. Explaining quicksort
  15. Explaining time complexity of quicksort a. Proficiency - define Big-O of best and worst case, M - explain how you get those Big-O
  16. Using recursion a. Proficiency - defining the “three laws of recursion”, M - writing a recursive function
  17. Using balanced search trees a. Proficiency - demonstrate adding in basic case to 2-3 tree, M - demonstrate adding that requires splitting and promotion

You can print and bring this checklist with you to help you keep track of which objectives you need to complete.


Remember that this isn’t your only chance to demonstrate your understanding of these learning objectives, so try not to stress too much. Good ways to study for the quizzes are:

  • Finish any labs that you hadn’t finished or redo ones that you did finish
  • Go back over the readings/videos relevant to the learning objectives
  • Try any of the exercises at the ends of relevant chapters that are about the learning objectives
  • Work on the current homework, since it usually overlaps with the quiz objectives
  • Attend the prefect sessions