
To get a good start on the final project by thinking of several possible projects that would satisfy the requirements.


If you haven’t already, read through the final project page. If you read it previously, still open it up to reference.

Exercise 1

In the “Main Idea” section of your worksheet, write down your main idea/the idea you are most excited about and how it will meet the requirements. Specify:

  • What is the basic idea of the game/simulation? (One sentence/name is good)
  • What the superclass would be
    • What methods/variables it would have
  • What the subclasses would be
    • What methods/variables they would have in addition to the superclass’
  • What other two class concepts you would use for the implementation (from the list on the project page!)

Exercise 2

In the “Alternatives” section of your worksheet, come up with two ideas (or more!) that would also possibly work for the final project, but perhaps you haven’t thought it out as much or aren’t quite as excited (or maybe you are equally excited and can’t decide, that’s good too!).

Specify for each:

  • What is the basic idea of the game or simulation? (One sentence/name is good)
  • What ideas do you have for the superclass and subclasses?
  • What are possible other class concepts you would use for the implementation (from the list on the project page!)

Discuss with a group near you what ideas you’ve each come up with (don’t worry if there is overlap, that’s fine! Everyone can do a chess game if they want). Pay special attention to if the inheritance is meaningful and help the other group if you have ideas for them.

Exercise 3

Make sure you have the inheritance clearly planned out for one of the ideas and mark it. You’ll share at the end of class about the plan for the inheritance. Then get started on the project proposal (submission link on Moodle/Gradescope) and your minimum viable product.