This is a lab assignment and so you will not be submitting it. However, the concepts and practice will help you on both the homework and exams so I encourage you to make a serious effort on it during class and consider finishing it outside of class.


To better understand binary search trees by implementing some of their methods yourself. You will also get more practice with recursive methods and thinking.


Mount the COURSES drive and remember to save everything into STUWORK. If you don’t do this, everything you write will disappear when you log out!!!!

  • Create a new folder in your STUWORK called BSTLab
  • Create your Collaborations.txt document in that folder
  • Download the starter code and put it into your BSTLab folder
  • Open your BSTLab folder in VSCode

Exercise 0

(Repeat of what we walked through together.) I’ve provided you with a class BSTNode that holds four things:

  • a String which is the key for the node and what will be used for ordering the nodes
  • an int which is the value for the node, and you can imagine is something that you are trying to store, such as the number of times the key has appeared in a document
  • a BSTNode left, which is the left child of this node
  • a BSTNode right, which is the right child of this node

I’ve also provided you with the start of the BST class, which includes a couple of useful methods already:

  • printTree() prints the tree fairly nicely. It only works if the keys are single character strings, so I recommend sticking with capital letters, but it should help you visualize the tree. There is a lot of helper code for this method that appears at the end of the class that you shouldn’t worry about.
  • test() manually adds some nodes to the tree so that you can see what it looks like before you’ve implemented add
  • add is the public method for adding to the tree. It checks if the root node is null and then just calls the recursive helper function addHelper

Your task: In main you should first create a BST, call the test method on it, and then call the printTree() method to see how things work. Make sure that you understand why the tree prints out the way that it does.

Exercise 1

You will next implement the getHelper method. There are four cases that you need to handle in getHelper: the base case and the cases for if the keys are equal, one is less than the other, and vice versa.

  1. Think about what the two base cases should be for this recursive method. What is the simplest situation when looking for a node in the tree? Implement those first. Remember that since you’re dealing with Strings, you should use .equals to check for equality.

  2. Now decide on what the two recursive cases are. What are the situations where you aren’t done and you need to make another call to getHelper that moves you closer to the base cases? You should use the compareTo method because the keys are Strings. However, it isn’t limited to returning only -1, 0, or 1. With strings, it can return any positive or negative value, so you need to just check if it returns a value less than or greater than 0.

  3. In main test your get method by retrieving the values associated with the keys that are set in the test method.

Exercise 2

You will now implement the addHelper method. The construction of this recursive method is a bit more complicated than get because you need to attach the node to the tree in the right place.

  1. One of your base cases is if the keys are equal, because this version of a binary search tree just doesn’t add the new node and returns false. Implement that functionality first.

  2. If the keys aren’t equal, you need to figure out if you are going to insert the new node to the left or to the right of the subRoot. This could lead to either a base case (if there is room) or a recursive case (if there is already a child there).

  3. Once you know which side of the subtree you are going to be adding the new node, you also need to check if there is already a child node there or not. If there isn’t a child on that side, you have a base case and you should set the child as newNode.

  4. If there is already a child on that side, you should make a recursive call to addHelper with the appropriate parameters. Also be sure to think about what you should return in both these cases.

  5. If you haven’t already, implement the code for adding the node to the other side of the tree as well.

  6. Test your code by adding several more nodes to the tree

  7. Think about why you couldn’t have a base case that just checks if subRoot is null and sets subRoot equal to the new node. We’ll discuss as a class.


If you have extra time, try

  • changing add and addHelper so that instead of returning a boolean, they return a BSTNode and have a structure more similar to getHelper. Be careful with making sure that a duplicate key doesn’t erase the previous key.
  • implementing remove