Learning Objectives

All learning objectives will be on quiz 9 at mastery level (minus the ones that everyone has mastered already!):

  1. Explaining sorting algorithms - Mastery
  2. Using variables
  3. Using indefinite loops
  4. Using nested loops
  5. Using conditional statements
  6. Using lists
  7. Using return values
  8. Using function parameters
  9. Using objects
  10. Using classes
  11. Using instance variables
  12. Using recursion
  13. Debugging syntax errors
  14. Predicting the behavior of a program
  15. Explaining the difference between objects and classes
  16. Explaining binary search
  17. Identifying worst case efficiency

You can print and bring along this checklist to help you keep track in the quiz.


Good ways to study for the quizzes are:

  • Finish any labs that you hadn’t finished or redo ones that you did finish
  • Go back over the readings/videos relevant to the learning objectives
  • Try any of the exercises at the ends of relevant chapters that are about the learning objectives
  • Complete the homework that is due, since it usually overlaps with the quiz objectives
  • Attend the prefect sessions
  • Resolve the previous quizzes, especially questions you didn’t get to